Five Common Mistakes Pet Owners Make

Author: C3 Pet Care | | Categories: Pet Care Services , Pet Medical Care , Pet Sitting Services

Top Five Things To Look For When Hiring A Pet Sitter Service

Companion animals can enhance our lives in almost countless ways. Whether welcoming us enthusiastically at the door, keeping us company on daily jogs or simply delighting us with their play, sharing your life with a pet is a great way to improve the length and enhance the quality of your life. For all they add to our lives, it's our responsibility to treat them well and provide them with a safe and comfortable space. One of the ways to ensure your pet companion relishes a long, happy and safe life is to dodge the pitfalls of the most common pet-parenting mistakes:

1. Using the wrong leash and collar for dogs
The leash and collar are some of the essential tools you have. They allow pet parents to walk their pup on a leash, and they provide a place to hang ID and vaccination tags. However, repeated pressure on the neck can damage the thyroid glands and tissues around the neck area and salivary glands. This is why A chest harness can be a safer alternative to a neck collar. When your dog pulls on a harness, it doesn’t harm the body of your pet as much as a collar does. A well-fitted harness keeps your dog happy, and it helps you control your dog without risk of injury.

2. Overfeeding your pet because they “look hungry”
Overfeeding your dog can drive obesity and other health issues. About most of all, pups are obese or overweight. Dogs with few extra pounds may get the same health difficulties as overweight people, like heart disease or diabetes. All of the above may mean a lower life for your dog. Sometimes, it may seem like your dog is hungry, but they likely aren’t starving if they get frequent meals. They just want to eat, much like people eat when we’re not really hungry. But just because they want those chips doesn’t mean they should have them. That’s where portion control comes in.

3. Not training your dog
Every dog needs basic training. Some require more than others, but they all need some. If you choose not to train your dog, you are putting it at a disadvantage. How will it know the rules? What kind of structure and leadership are you giving? Don’t think of training as a job. When done positively, activity is joyous and enriching for dogs. Want to take your dog out on the town? A well-trained dog will be more desirable in public places that allow pets, such as restaurant patios, parks, and even some businesses. Also, your family and friends are more likely to ask you to bring your dog to events if they are well-behaved and well-adjusted.

4. Letting your cat go outside unsupervised
When letting your pets outside, you run the risk of them running away from home. Cats can cover a fair amount of ground outside and sometimes travel several miles from home. While most outdoor cats intuitively know their way home, there is always a risk they decide to wander too far and get lost. You can avoid such loss by keeping them under your supervision at your place and while taking them out. And if you plan on setting them free, make sure before allowing your cat outside, secure it has a means of identification. It can include either a securely adjusted collar with a tag showing your contact number or, ideally, a microchip identification inserted under the skin on the scruff of the neck.

5. Using the wrong litter box for your cat
Once your cat rejects her litter box for whatever reason, her ignorance can become a chronic problem as the cat can develop a location preference for elimination. This choice might be to your living room carpet or your favorite easy chair. The best way to deal with these problems is to stop them before they occur by getting your cat’s litter boxes as cat-friendly as possible. A large, open litter box is the best option. The container should be large enough for the cat to comfortably turn around without reaching the sides of the box. At least one side of the space should be deep enough, so the cat has no issue moving into the box. If you have a kitten, you will require a lower-sided case.

To hire the right pet services for your needs, reach out to C3 Pet Care. You don’t want to rely on just any animal lover with your pet’s well being because your pet is part of the family – I understand: our pets are part of our family, too! I am committed to offering your pet the individualized care they deserve. I will care for your furry ones as if they were my own. Whether you’re on holiday or if you want your pet to have everyday love and affection.

We serve clients across the Central Florida areas of Lake Mary, Sanford, Altamonte Springs and Longwood. 

To learn more about the services that I provide, please click here. If you’ve any questions about Pet Sitting Services, get in touch with us by clicking here.